Suurin osa susikysymyksistä pyörii oikean ja väärän käyttäytymisen ympärillä sekä myös puhtaan ja epäpuhtaan suden ympärillä. Olemme tottuneet ajattelemaan suden olevan arka erämaan asukki ja tätä kuvaa yleensä myös markkinoidaan suden suojelun suunnalta. Viime vuosina sudet ovat kuitenkin enenevässä määrin alkaneet esiintyä myös ihmisasutuksen luona sekä osoittaneet käyttäytymisellään etteivät ne ole enää arkoja.
Syitä tälle voivat olla joko susien suurempi määrä tai yksinkertainen oppiminen, että ihminen ei ole vaaraksi. Oppimisen ollessa kyseessä puhutaan ns. kulttuurievoluutiosta, jossa jokin hyödyllinen käyttäytymismalli lisääntyy populaatiossa samaan tapaan kuin hyödyllinen perinnöllinen ominaisuus joka antaa ominaisuuden omaaville yksilöille kilpailuedun. Opitut asiat eivät kulje verenperintönä kuten vaikkapa väri tai koko. Ne täytyy havaita jokaisen yksilön kohdalla uudelleen hyödyllisiksi ja niiden tulee olla jatkuvasti kilpailuvaltti, jotta käyttäytymismalli siirtyy sukupolvelta toiselle.
Vaikka susien kesyys ei todennäköisesti ole perinnöllistä vaan edellä mainittua ns. kulttuuriperintöä, voi yksilöiden perimässä olla kuitenkin merkkejä ominaisuuksista jotka edesauttavat kulttuuriperinnön jatkuvuutta. Tähän vaikuttaisi viittavan se, että ns. rohkeasta laumasta erkaantunut nuori yksilö voi olla hyvinkin arka ja olla aiheuttamatta lainkaan ongelmia vaikka sen synnyinlauma olisikin oppinut olemaan välittämättä ihmisestä.
Jos kyseisen kaltaisia geneettisiä eroja on löydettävissä ns. arkojen ja rohkeiden susien perimästä, voidaan tätä tietoa hyödyntää ja "jalostaa" luonnonvalintaa matkien susista arempia, jolloin konflikti vaimenisi, sillä suurin ongelma susissa on ihmisten mielestä juurikin susien lisääntyvä rohkeus. Näinä kymmenenä vuonna, joina suden metsästys on ollut pannassa, on susille ollut enemmän valintaetua rohkeudesta ja vähäisemmästä arkuudesta ihmisiä kohtaan. Aikana jolloin susi voitiin ampua nähtäessä, oli tilanne päinvastainen, liian rohkeat yksilöt eivät päässeet levittämään geenejään tai oppejaan jälkipolville.
Suden suojelun kannalta konfliktin vaimentuminen on ydinasemassa, koska niin kauan kun ihmiset kokevat suden uhkana, toimivat ihmiset susikannan rajoittajana ja ihmisten sietokyky madaltuu sitä nopeammin mitä enemmän sudet aiheuttavat ongelmia ja uhkaa. Poistamalla sietokykyä madaltavan tekijän; susien rohkean käytöksen ihmisiä kohtaan, saadaan ihmisten sietokyky sutta kohtaan nostettua tasolle, jossa suden suojelun taso on suotuisa biologiseltakin kannalta tarkasteltuna.
Joku voi kysyä, mitä tarvetta geneettisellä tiedolla on, eikö jokainen pihalle saapuva susi voitaisi vain poistaa, jolloin rohkeat yksilöt katoaisivat samalla tavalla? Geneettinen tieto kuitenkin auttaa meitä toimimaan myös ns. ennaltaehkäisevästi eli jos yksilöllä on perimässään ominaisuus, joka edesauttaa arkuuden vähenemisessä, kyseinen yksilö voidaan poistaa jo ennen kuin se aiheuttaa ongelmia tai siirtää alttiuden jälkikasvulleen. Geneettisen tiedon avulla voidaan myös ns. pitää silmällä yksilöitä jotka ovat esimerkiksi susikannan elinvoimaisuuden kannalta tärkeitä ja ennaltaehkäistä ongelmia myös kohdistetuilla karkoitus ja peloitustoimilla jo ennen kuin perimän edesauttama arkuuden väheneminen pääsee tapahtumaan, esim. reviiriään aloittelevan pariskunnan häätö ihmisasutuksen lähettyviltä. Tällöin ihminen ehtii muodostua uhaksi susiparille jo ennen ensimmäistä pentuetta ja ne opettavat herkemmin ihmisen välttelemisen pennuilleen, kun ne ovat jo havainneet ihmisen olennoksi joka on sille haitallinen. Samalla uudelle paikkakunnalle saapuneet sudet eivät pääse aiheuttamaan pelkoa ja uhkaa ihmisille, jolloin niiden hyväksyntä on suurempaa, kuin täysin ennaltaehkäisyä vailla olevalla alueella, jossa sudet voivat ryhtyä kulkemaan lähellä ihmistä ihmisen aiheuttaman vaaran puuttuessa.
Ajatus "jalostuksesta" voi olla joidenkin mielestä makaaberi ja että ihmisen tulisi olla se joka muuttuu. Valitettavasti tämä tapa ei näytä auttavan. Koulutus ja tietoisuuden lisääminen eivät ole auttaneet ihmisten asenteiden muuttamiseksi sen enempää meillä kuin maailmallakaan. Eläimen suojelustatuksella tai osuudella monimuotoisuuden ylläpitämiseksi ei ole väliä niin kauan kun eläimestä on ongelmaa ja ihmiset tuntevat eläimen aiheuttavan vaaraa. Nämä tuntemukset ovat kulmakivinä siinä rakennelmassa jota paremman termin puutteessa "susivihaksi" kutsutaan. Poistamalla nämä tuntemukset edistetään suden hyväksyttävyyttä osana lajistoamme. Tuntemukset ovat kuitenkin vain ns, oireita ongelmasta, joka on susien käytös ja lopulta pohjimmiltaan me ihmiset. Olemme luoneet tiukalla suojelutoiminnalla lopulta susille niiden haitaksi olevan ympäristön. Tiukalla suojelulla sudelle on mahdollistettu arkuuden vähentyminen ihmisiä kohtaan. jolloin sudet ovat ryhtyneet hyödyntämään ihmisten läheisyydessä olevia rikkaampia riista-alueita ja täten tottuneet ihmisten hajuun ja heidän läsnäoloonsa ympäristössä. Vähentynyt arkuus johtaa lisääntyneisiin kohtaamisiin ihmisten ja heidän eläintensä kanssa. Pahimmassa tapauksessa ihminen aiheuttaa sudessa saalistusvietin laukeamisen ja ihmisen loukkaantumisen tai kuoleman tämän seurauksena. Kyseisen kaltaisen tapahtuman jälkeen jo valmiiksi negatiivinen asenne voi johtaa uudelleen 1800-luvun loppupuolen kaltaiseen tarpeeseen hävittää susi luonnosta. Tämä on täysin vastakkainen mitä suojelun tavoite, joten suden tulevaisuuden kannalta "jalostuksen" idea on muuta kuin makaaberi,
lauantai 2. toukokuuta 2015
keskiviikko 14. tammikuuta 2015
Facts of possible wolf hunt in Finland.
There are minimum of 150 wolves in Finland (census of february 2014). There are 29 packs with confirmed reproduction last summer. 5 of these are border packs (they live in the border of Finland and Russia). Also there are 9 unconfirmed reproductions inside Finland borders gnd 3 unconfirmed in the border packs.
The licensed hunting is going to be strictly regulated. Only 30 hunters are allowed to take part of the hunt per license. There must 1 leader and two vice leaders per hunt. All hunters should be experienced and their names are written up.
The number of licenses to be given would be maximum of 29. It can be lower than this. The duration of a license is 21 days. Each one of the licenses is considered individually and each license is appointed to a certain pack from where a young individual can be removed.
The hunting itself is a part of two-year test. During these 2 years the effect of hunting on the behavior and viability of the wolf population is assessed and if no issues with viability is noticed and the behavior of wolves changes the regulated hunting could continue in the future with the same rules and restrictions as during the test period.
What comes to the restrictions from EU, the article 16 of Habitats directive gives a chance to derogate from the tight protection.
1. Provided that there is no satisfactory alternative and the derogation is not detrimental to the maintenance of the populations of the species concerned at a favourable conservation status in their natural range, Member States may derogate from the provisions of Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 (a) and (b):
(e) to allow, under strictly supervised conditions, on a selective basis and to a limited extent, the taking or keeping of certain specimens of the species listed in Annex IV in limited numbers specified by the competent national authorities.
The sub-clause (e) allows restricted hunting if the favorable conservation status is reached.
In the Wolf Management Plan of Finland (2007) the amount of reproductions must be a minimum of 20 per year if the amount of immigration from Russia stays the same. In case the immigration is smaller the amount of yearly reproductions must be a minimum of 25. This has been exceeded so the derogation is possible.
The reason for the hunt is mostly the changed behavior of wolves and the fear their behavior causes. It is also a a test to find out if a carrot is a better motivator than the stick what comes to reduce poaching and it's silent acceptance.
The licensed hunting is going to be strictly regulated. Only 30 hunters are allowed to take part of the hunt per license. There must 1 leader and two vice leaders per hunt. All hunters should be experienced and their names are written up.
The number of licenses to be given would be maximum of 29. It can be lower than this. The duration of a license is 21 days. Each one of the licenses is considered individually and each license is appointed to a certain pack from where a young individual can be removed.
The hunting itself is a part of two-year test. During these 2 years the effect of hunting on the behavior and viability of the wolf population is assessed and if no issues with viability is noticed and the behavior of wolves changes the regulated hunting could continue in the future with the same rules and restrictions as during the test period.
What comes to the restrictions from EU, the article 16 of Habitats directive gives a chance to derogate from the tight protection.
1. Provided that there is no satisfactory alternative and the derogation is not detrimental to the maintenance of the populations of the species concerned at a favourable conservation status in their natural range, Member States may derogate from the provisions of Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 (a) and (b):
(e) to allow, under strictly supervised conditions, on a selective basis and to a limited extent, the taking or keeping of certain specimens of the species listed in Annex IV in limited numbers specified by the competent national authorities.
The sub-clause (e) allows restricted hunting if the favorable conservation status is reached.
In the Wolf Management Plan of Finland (2007) the amount of reproductions must be a minimum of 20 per year if the amount of immigration from Russia stays the same. In case the immigration is smaller the amount of yearly reproductions must be a minimum of 25. This has been exceeded so the derogation is possible.
The reason for the hunt is mostly the changed behavior of wolves and the fear their behavior causes. It is also a a test to find out if a carrot is a better motivator than the stick what comes to reduce poaching and it's silent acceptance.
lauantai 10. tammikuuta 2015
How to combine protection and human safety?
I wrote about this topic in Finnish in mid-December. Now I have come to the point where I want to share this writing to my non-finnish readers, since I might help to understand the current situation in Finnish wolf issue.
The conversation about wolves has heated up again. Against each other are the safety of humans and right to live without constant fear and the protection of wolves.
Both have their supporters and adversaries. Is one of these more important than other?
I don't believe so.
These to things should be combined in a way that would satisfy majority on people. There won't be a day when everyone accepts wolves existence nor there will be a day when all will accept the measures needed to affect wolf behavior and their amount. Gladly, most of the people how ever will accept a genuine compromise where human safety is taken in to account as well as preserving the wolf population in our country.
What would this kind of compromise require then?
Depending of who you ask, current situation is either favoring humans or wolves. On my own point of view, the scale is tipped more towards wolves and their protection. To balance the scale, some individuals from the wolf population needs to be removed. These are the individuals that are too bold and come to settlement and yards of humans after easy prey or in the need of controlling their territory by killing dogs even in front of humans.
Because wolf is so called top-predator that doesn't have natural enemies in their "natural" habitat outside of their own species, it is natural for wolf not to fear humans if it doesn't have any negative experiences of humans or it hasn't learned this from it's parents. For the preservation of the wolf population it would be best for wolves and humans alike to "remind" wolves that a human is a predator hunting them, thus leading wolves to avoid contact with humans. This "lesson" is the reason why people assume that wolves are naturally shy of people and like to live in the wilderness because of this. This is assumption we humans have made out of wolves need to stay alive and thus staying further away from humans.
Hopefully the new wolf management plan can keep it's planned licenced hunt and the more easier (bureaucratically lighter) protection hunts after it has gone through it's comment round. These two methods are unfortunately necessary at first since wolves have already learned to benefit from humans and have started to consider human presence as irrelevant as the wind rustling through leaves of a tree. The preventive methods aren't effective any more to have an impact for wolves behavior and their distrust for humans. The fencing does protect the animals, but the problem will just move to the unprotected pasture of another area end the core issue isn't solved at all.
Due being a predator, wolf has to learn quickly and after whole population has been "taught" to avoid people again the amount of problem individuals will drop and those problematic individuals that do occur are most likely injured or otherwise sick and removing them wouldn't endanger the long therm survival of wolf population.
In the States a observation has been made that wolves learn to avoid airplanes from where they have been gunned by going to hide inside a forest. I don't doubt a moment that our wolves wouldn't be able to connect human presence and for example barking of the dogs with the hunting and the killing of a pack member if the hunt is done properly. In this there is a chance to failure, since animals tend to connect new things in their environment to the act of hunting. In this case to hide human scent is a mistake since the idea is to give wolves a clear connection between humans and their scent to the act of hunting itself. Thus when going to hunt wolves it would be wisest to make oneself smell as much of a human as possible unlike usually when the human scent is to be hidden or removed.
When the wolf population has learned that humans are a hazard the management can be focused on keeping the population healthy and viable. This requires that we learn from our past and will not let the situation to return back to the current one. The licence hunt where 1-2 individuals from a pack is removed after it has had a successful breeding, would keep up the shyness of wolves thus eliminating the need for poaching and it's acceptance completely I hope.
The future population management could be based on information from DNA as it is currently in Sweden. Even though wolf is a wild animal, to ensure well-being of both wolves and humans alike, we need to control their numbers and using DNA we can make the population estimate more reliably than today, since the current number of wolves isn't clear without knowledge of territorial boundaries and relatedness of individuals. It is also vital to get a better picture of the packs living in the border area between Finland and Russia to help prevent the inbreeding of wolf population. If the border area is filled with packs, the immigrating individuals can't go safely through them and bring new blood to our wolf population.
From this year onward, we hopefully can balance the scale between protection and humans. It is possible though that momentarily the scale will tip to favor humans, but it should not be allowed to stay in this position and it should be actively restored to it's balanced state.
The conversation about wolves has heated up again. Against each other are the safety of humans and right to live without constant fear and the protection of wolves.
Both have their supporters and adversaries. Is one of these more important than other?
I don't believe so.
These to things should be combined in a way that would satisfy majority on people. There won't be a day when everyone accepts wolves existence nor there will be a day when all will accept the measures needed to affect wolf behavior and their amount. Gladly, most of the people how ever will accept a genuine compromise where human safety is taken in to account as well as preserving the wolf population in our country.
What would this kind of compromise require then?
Depending of who you ask, current situation is either favoring humans or wolves. On my own point of view, the scale is tipped more towards wolves and their protection. To balance the scale, some individuals from the wolf population needs to be removed. These are the individuals that are too bold and come to settlement and yards of humans after easy prey or in the need of controlling their territory by killing dogs even in front of humans.
Because wolf is so called top-predator that doesn't have natural enemies in their "natural" habitat outside of their own species, it is natural for wolf not to fear humans if it doesn't have any negative experiences of humans or it hasn't learned this from it's parents. For the preservation of the wolf population it would be best for wolves and humans alike to "remind" wolves that a human is a predator hunting them, thus leading wolves to avoid contact with humans. This "lesson" is the reason why people assume that wolves are naturally shy of people and like to live in the wilderness because of this. This is assumption we humans have made out of wolves need to stay alive and thus staying further away from humans.
Hopefully the new wolf management plan can keep it's planned licenced hunt and the more easier (bureaucratically lighter) protection hunts after it has gone through it's comment round. These two methods are unfortunately necessary at first since wolves have already learned to benefit from humans and have started to consider human presence as irrelevant as the wind rustling through leaves of a tree. The preventive methods aren't effective any more to have an impact for wolves behavior and their distrust for humans. The fencing does protect the animals, but the problem will just move to the unprotected pasture of another area end the core issue isn't solved at all.
Due being a predator, wolf has to learn quickly and after whole population has been "taught" to avoid people again the amount of problem individuals will drop and those problematic individuals that do occur are most likely injured or otherwise sick and removing them wouldn't endanger the long therm survival of wolf population.
In the States a observation has been made that wolves learn to avoid airplanes from where they have been gunned by going to hide inside a forest. I don't doubt a moment that our wolves wouldn't be able to connect human presence and for example barking of the dogs with the hunting and the killing of a pack member if the hunt is done properly. In this there is a chance to failure, since animals tend to connect new things in their environment to the act of hunting. In this case to hide human scent is a mistake since the idea is to give wolves a clear connection between humans and their scent to the act of hunting itself. Thus when going to hunt wolves it would be wisest to make oneself smell as much of a human as possible unlike usually when the human scent is to be hidden or removed.
When the wolf population has learned that humans are a hazard the management can be focused on keeping the population healthy and viable. This requires that we learn from our past and will not let the situation to return back to the current one. The licence hunt where 1-2 individuals from a pack is removed after it has had a successful breeding, would keep up the shyness of wolves thus eliminating the need for poaching and it's acceptance completely I hope.
The future population management could be based on information from DNA as it is currently in Sweden. Even though wolf is a wild animal, to ensure well-being of both wolves and humans alike, we need to control their numbers and using DNA we can make the population estimate more reliably than today, since the current number of wolves isn't clear without knowledge of territorial boundaries and relatedness of individuals. It is also vital to get a better picture of the packs living in the border area between Finland and Russia to help prevent the inbreeding of wolf population. If the border area is filled with packs, the immigrating individuals can't go safely through them and bring new blood to our wolf population.
From this year onward, we hopefully can balance the scale between protection and humans. It is possible though that momentarily the scale will tip to favor humans, but it should not be allowed to stay in this position and it should be actively restored to it's balanced state.
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